• UPDATE: For the 3 days off, you will be working with Worldy Wise words, but if you did not bring your Worldy Wise book home, here you can access the words from Chapter 5: Worldly Wise Book 11 Chapter 5 Flashcards.
  • Read the following document of quotes and choose a quote you like best: Great Quotations.  It can NOT be one that we’ve done in class before.
  • Using at least 6 of the WW words from Chapter 5, write a strong paragraph relating to the quote you chose using the usual techniques.  You will be graded for 1) the usual mechanics, 2) correct usage of the words and 3) for thorough and convincing analysis of the quote.  This assignment should be typed, because you must email it to me BEFORE Monday morning.
  • You do NOT have to reference a text unless you feel it would help support your argument.