Topic Week 11: Elements of Compare and Contrast Writing

1.  Make final corrections to your descriptive essays and email your final draft to me by Friday 11/18 at midnight.  Do NOT forget to HIGHLIGHT or UNDERLINE at least 8 descriptive adjectives used in your essay.

2.  Read textbook pgs. 113-114 and complete Exercise 1.  (Please refer to the Word Forms Chart Activity- Completed for more information.  We will review this in class next Tuesday).

3.  Choose two things that you want to compare.  For people who had me last semester: please do NOT write the topic of men vs. women again.  For the rest, you can choose the topic of men vs. women, or if you prefer a different topic, please email me your topic and I will approve it. After you have chosen your topic for your compare/contrast essay, please complete a Four Square Writing-Compare and Contrast.  PLEASE ERASE my examples- do NOT copy.  You can choose the amount of similarities and differences (for example, write 2 paragraphs about differences and two about similarities, or 1 about differences and 3 about similarities, or whatever you want).  Please email me your 4-Square so I can approve it by Friday 11/18 at midnight.  Remember, each paragraph should include only ONE POINT OF COMPARISON between the two things and discuss ONLY DIFFERENCES or ONLY SIMILARITIES within the paragraph.

4.  After I have approved your 4-Square, write the first draft of your compare/contrast essay by Monday 11/21 at midnight, including an introduction, 3-4 body paragraphs with some combination of both similarities and differences, and a conclusion.  I will be looking for the following correct use of grammar in your writing: 1) Parallel/Consistency, 2) Articles. 3) Count/Noncount nouns, and 4) Compare/Contrast transition words (click here: Transition Word List-Compare-Contrast)