Grade 11 (World Literature)

  • Read “Catcher” pgs. 100-122 up to Chapter 17 (be prepared for a quiz).
  • Complete Worldly Wise 4D & 4E on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Read up to page 88 in “Catcher in the Rye” if you haven’t already and be prepared to take a quiz on it next class.
  • Generate 3 main themes/topics relating to what we have read so far in “Catcher in the Rye” (pg. 1-88).
  • Complete your paragraph based on “Catcher in the Rye” about ONE of these themes/topics.  It must be written out, and you must REFERENCE THE TEXT at least ONCE in the beginning of the paragraph (the Topic Statement or Thesis). Do NOT forget to label for TS, Thesis, Body, and Conclusion.
  •  Complete Worldly Wise Chapters 4A-4C on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Read Chapters 6-8 pgs. 40-58 and be prepared for a quiz.
  • Please read “The Catcher in the Rye” Chapter 3 pgs. 16-26 and be prepared to take a quiz about it.
  • Write a handwritten, structured paragraph on a separate sheet of paper  (you will be graded for errors) about ONE of the following topics/themes from the movie “Life Is Beautiful:”:
    • The way you perceive a situation can change your view of reality and your behavior towards it
    • It’s important to cherish/make a priority the ones you love
    • The importance/value of childhood innocence
    • Self-sacrifice from parent to child
    • Desire and willpower can overcome everything (e.g. “mind over matter”)
  • Finish Wordly Wise 3A to 3E if you haven’t already!
  • Write a careful paragraph (this will be graded for accuracy) based on the two texts: the “Tiger Mom” article and “Two Kinds” from “Elements of Literature.”  Paragraph topics to choose from are as follows (please choose ONE):
    • When is teenage rebellion healthy and normal?
    • Is Chinese parenting too cruel? / What are the benefits/disadvantages of Chinese parenting?
    • What are the consequences of very strict or very lenient parenting?
    • How much can parents really control their children’s behavior?
    • How much is a child’s personality a result of nature and how much results from upbringing/parenting?
    • What is the main cause of teenage rebellion?
    • Which parenting style is ultimately more beneficial/loving: Chinese (strict) or Western/American (permissive)?
  • NONE- be ready for ERB test tomorrow!!!
  • Study for the Worldly Wise quiz on the words from Chapter 2.
  • Finish reading “Tiger Moms: Is Tough Parenting Really the Answer?” and be prepared to discuss and write about it immediately in class.
  • Finish your paragraphs if you haven’t already about identity.  Make sure you follow the guidelines discussed in class.
  • Finish WW 2C-2E and be ready to hand in along with 2A & 2B if you haven’t already.