• Country Comparison Chart- Political Systems and Regimes- Complete
  • Country Comparison Chart- Levels of Government- Complete2
    • What is the difference between shared and reserved powers?
    • What are 4 aspects of a true democracy?
    • What is the difference between the Westminster model of democracy and the European model?
    • What are the 3 aspects/features of an authoritarian government?
    • What are the 3 aspects/features of a totalitarianism government?
    • What distinguishes totalitarianism from authoritarianism?
    • What distinguishes fascism from authoritarianism and/or totalitarianism?
    • What is the difference between a majoritarianism and consensus democracy?
    • What is the difference between a unitary and federal system?
    • In which countries have devolution occurred?  
    • Describe the relationship between religion and the constitution in Iran?